Neighborhood Connections

There are currently no volunteer activities available. Please check back later.

Neighborhood Connections is a local resource fair in Greer for the Greater Greer community. It is a convenient way for organizations to share what they do in and for the Greater Greer community and for our neighbors to come to one location and learn of the resources available in our community. We invite non-profits are given space to share information by offering resources.  Many of the organizations bring materials, programming, activities, giveaways, video, speakers, etc to the event site, Greer City Park.  Information about careers, job opportunities, and a variety of community resources are available in a fun, lively atmosphere. Greer Relief ends the event with a hot dog lunch. Past participating organizations have been: Greer Soup Kitchen, Habitat for Humanity of Greenville County, It Does Takes a Village, Whole Fitness, DHEC, Walt’s Waltz, Man in the Mirror, Daily Bread Ministries, CenterWell, New Horizon Family Health Services, Mental Health America, AmeriCorps South Carolina, SC Works, Julie Valentine Center, Access Health Spartanburg, FoodShare GVL, Greer Lions Club, Jesus El Rey, St. Luke’s Free Medical Clinic, SNAP-Ed, and AHAM.

Volunteers are needed to help set up, organize space, hand out items, represent Greer Relief, and break down the event at the Neighborhood Connections. 

Greer City Park

Volunteer Opportunities